Зустрінемось у Ramada Encore Kyiv, щоб наживо побачити найкращу онкохірургію від визнаних лідерів України з урології, гінекології, колоректальній та ендоскопічний хірургії, нейроонкології, хірургії шлунку, легені, печінки, підшлункової залози, пухлин голови і шиї та раку грудної залози.
This is a sign for you if you planned to start writing grant proposals! A free program from the European School of Oncology (ESO) initiated for the medical community to master the art of grant writing!
Запрошуємо Вас на щорічну конференцію UpToDate 5.0, яка відбудеться 27-29 листопада 2024 року в Ramada Encore Kyiv! Ця подія збере провідних фахівців у галузі онкології, хірургії, радіології та багатьох інших сфер для обміну знаннями та досвідом.
oncoHUB recommends a useful support app for patients and their families to help organize their treatment.
Reports from the conference "Diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. Transition to European standards" are already available for viewing via the link.
The Association of Oncology Hematologists of Ukraine, the National Cancer Institute and the School of Oncology Hematology with Professor Iryna Kryachok will hold an online conference for the first time on July 31, 4:00-5:15 p.m., zoom
Leading oncologists from the National Cancer Institute and Dobrobut Medical Center will review the most important studies presented at this year's congress!
OncoHUB in collaboration with LISOD is starting enrollment for the course - «Radiation Treatment of Head and Neck Tumors».
Curiosity overflows with what will happen next! These three days were filled with emotions, impressions, useful information and a mega vibe with colleagues.
Dear colleagues! All the best talks from the "Uptodate 4.0 + Molecular Meetings" conference are now available on our YouTube channel! Find answers to current questions and deepen your knowledge!
Today, a new video from the "Uptodate 4.0 + Molecular Meetings" conference is released on our YouTube channel, where Olena Safronova talks about "What's new in the treatment of prostate, bladder and testicular cancer".
Serhii Dyedkov spoke at the conference "Uptodate 4.0 + Molecular meetings" with the topic "Possibilities of reconstruction of post-resection defects in the treatment of malignant neoplasms of the skin and soft tissues".