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National Scientific-Practical Conference "Oncourology: New Technologies in the Realities of Today"

National Scientific-Practical Conference "Oncourology: New Technologies in the Realities of Today"


NGO "Ukrainian Association of Clinical Oncology"

General Partner:

Company LLC "AstraZeneca Ukraine"


Laboratory "LifeCode", "Grany Smith LLC", "Vista", "Hemoteka".

10:00 - 10:10

Conference Opening. Welcome Speech.

Professor Stakhovsky E.O., Chairman of the Ukrainian Oncourologists Association

10:10 - 10:30

Optimal Sequence of Visualization Methods in Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Monitoring of Prostate Gland Cancer.

Burina I.O., All-Ukrainian Center for Radiosurgery, Clinical Hospital "Feofania", Kyiv

10:30 - 10:50

Issues of Risk Stratification for Recurrence in Patients with Localized and Locally Advanced Prostate Gland Cancer in Ukraine. What Can be Improved Today?

Stakhovsky O.E., Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Oncourology, National Cancer Institute, Kyiv

10:50 - 11:10

Curative and Palliative Modalities of Radiation Therapy in Patients with Prostate Gland Cancer. The Essentials.

Safronova O.V., All-Ukrainian Center for Radiosurgery, Clinical Hospital "Feofania", Kyiv

11:10 - 11:25

Modern Technologies of Thermal and Cryoablation of Kidney and Prostate Tumors.

Platonov Oleg Volodymyrovych, Kyiv

11:25 - 11:40

Robot-Assisted Prostatectomy in Ukraine: Possibilities for Further Development?

Molchanov R.M., D.Sc., Professor, Department of Surgery No.1, Dniprovsky State Medical University, Dnipro

11:40 - 12:00

Expert Discussion, Q&A Session.


Stakhovsky O.E., D.Sc.,

Yakovlev P.G., Ph.D.

12:00 - 12:25 BREAK

12:25 - 12:50

Implementation of Molecular Genetic Testing in Patients with Prostate Gland Cancer - the First Step towards Personalized Treatment.

Presentation with the support of LifeCode Laboratory.

Shapochka D.O., Geneticist, Medical Laboratory "LifeCode", Kyiv

AstraZeneca Satellite Symposium

12:50 - 13:15

Results of Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Olaparib in the PROfound Study. Changing the Treatment Paradigm for mCRPC!

Presentation with the support of AstraZeneca Company.

Shparik Y.V., Ph.D., Department of Chemotherapy, Lviv Oncology Regional Treatment and Diagnostic Center, Lviv

13:15 - 13:30

Practical Aspects of HRR Tissue Testing. What Every Specialist Should Know?

Presentation with the support of AstraZeneca Company.

Yakovlev P.G., Ph.D., Head of Urology and Oncourology Center, Clinical Hospital "Feofania", Kyiv

13:30 - 13:50

EAU International Recommendations in the Therapy of mCRPC Patients: What's New?

Presentation with the support of AstraZeneca Company.

Prindyuk S.I., Ph.D., Center for Modern Urology, Lisod Israeli Oncology Hospital, Kyiv

13:50 - 14:10

Expert Discussion, Q&A Session.


Shparik Y.V., Ph.D.,

Stakhovsky O.E., D.Sc.

AstraZeneca Satellite Symposium

15:00 – 15:20

Title: The Foundation of Success in Molecular Genetic Testing in Prostate Cancer Patients: Challenges, Opportunities, and Perspectives

Speaker: Dr. Trokhymch S.S., Pathomorphologist at the National Cancer Institute, Kyiv

15:20 – 15:45

Title: Exploring New Therapeutic Approaches for the Treatment of mCRPC: Prospects of Olaparib and Abiraterone Combination in First-Line Therapy

Speaker: Prof. Shchukin Dmytro Volodymyrovych, Department of Urology, Nephrology, and Andrology named after Prof. A.G. Podrez, Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv

15:45 – 16:10

Title: Diagnosis, Treatment Strategy, and Monitoring of Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC)

Speaker: Dr. Voylenko O.A., Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Oncourology, National Cancer Institute, Kyiv

16:10 – 16:30

Expert Panel Discussion and Q&A Session


Dr. Shparik Ya.V., Candidate of Medical Sciences

Dr. Voylenko O.A., Doctor of Medical Sciences

16:30 – 16:50

Title: The Role of Abiraterone in Modern Treatment Algorithms for CRPC

Speaker: Dr. Yakovlev Pavlo Georgiiovych, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Urology and Oncourology Center at Feofaniya Clinical Hospital, Kyiv

16:55 – 17:15

Summary and Conclusion


Conference closing

18 April 2023    
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