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Online consultation with Prof. Krachok - "Real clinical cases in the treatment of T-cell lymphomas: successes and difficulties"

Online consultation with Prof. Krachok - "Real clinical cases in the treatment of T-cell lymphomas: successes and difficulties"

The Association of Oncology Hematologists of Ukraine, the National Cancer Institute and the School of Oncology Hematology with Professor Iryna Kryachok will hold an online conference for the first time on July 31, 4:00-5:15 p.m., zoom

Moderator: Iryna Kryachok - head of the chemotherapy and oncohematology clinic of the National Research Institute

Speaker: Nazariy Shokun is the head of the bone marrow transplantation department of the National Research Institute

Plus clinical cases from the doctors of the oncohematology department of the National Research Institute

We are sure that every minute of your time will be put to good use!

Add our event to your embarrassing self-development calendar, because the future of Ukrainian medicine is being created by each and every one of us!

Join the first session - link to registration

26 July 2024    
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