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Event for World Kidney Cancer Awareness Day 2023

Event for World Kidney Cancer Awareness Day 2023

On June 14th at 3:00 PM, the "Event for World Kidney Cancer Awareness Day 2023" will take place.


  • OncoHub
  • Inspiration Family

Supported by Ipsen (Ipsen Pharma's representation in Ukraine)

 Event Program:

A.P. Beznosenko: Opening and event moderation.

O.V. Ponomarova: Innovative approaches to pharmacotherapy of metastatic renal cell cancer.

O.E. Stakhovsky: 2023 Updates - surgery remains the primary treatment approach for renal cell cancer.

Mila Reutova: Patient organization's perspective on issues related to kidney cancer.

NGO Inspiration Family

Registration is available at

Participation in the event does not provide CME credits.


13 June 2023    
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