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Results of the Study on the Impact of Full-Scale War in Ukraine on the Treatment of Oncological Diseases

Results of the Study on the Impact of Full-Scale War in Ukraine on the Treatment of Oncological Diseases

In April 2023, a team of researchers from the Global Medical Knowledge Alliance, Inspiration Family, OncoHub, and the National Cancer Institute conducted a study on how the full-scale war in Ukraine has affected the treatment of oncological diseases.

A total of 289 patients from all regions of Ukraine participated in the survey. They had all begun their personal battles with cancer before the Russian invasion. Of those surveyed, 39% had stage I or II cancer, 38% had stage III, and 28% had stage IV.

 To analyze the results, we used descriptive statistics and standardization methods.

 Here are some of the conclusions reached by our team:

  •  21% of respondents indicated that the need to continue cancer treatment was the reason for their migration, while 14% left due to the conflict.
  • The majority of surveyed patients reported that the quality and accessibility of medical services remained unchanged for them after the onset of full-scale Russian invasion.
  • The overall waiting time for treatment was longer in front-line regions, and radiotherapy and chemotherapy were more accessible in regions less affected by the war and the influx of internally displaced persons.

 For more detailed information on the survey results, please visit the website:

4 July 2023    
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