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27 листопада відбудеться довгоочікуваний прекурс з відеохірургії!

27 листопада відбудеться довгоочікуваний прекурс з відеохірургії!

2 September 2024

Зустрінемось у Ramada Encore Kyiv, щоб наживо побачити найкращу онкохірургію від визнаних лідерів України з урології, гінекології, колоректальній та ендоскопічний хірургії, нейроонкології, хірургії шлунку, легені, печінки, підшлункової залози, пухлин голови і шиї та раку грудної залози.

Щорічна Конференція UpToDate 5.0 в Ramada Encore Kyiv!

Щорічна Конференція UpToDate 5.0 в Ramada Encore Kyiv!

13 August 2024

Запрошуємо Вас на щорічну конференцію UpToDate 5.0, яка відбудеться 27-29 листопада 2024 року в Ramada Encore Kyiv! Ця подія збере провідних фахівців у галузі онкології, хірургії, радіології та багатьох інших сфер для обміну знаннями та досвідом.

Online consultation with Prof. Krachok - "Real clinical cases in the treatment of T-cell lymphomas: successes and difficulties"

Online consultation with Prof. Krachok - "Real clinical cases in the treatment of T-cell lymphomas: successes and difficulties"

26 July 2024

The Association of Oncology Hematologists of Ukraine, the National Cancer Institute and the School of Oncology Hematology with Professor Iryna Kryachok will hold an online conference for the first time on July 31, 4:00-5:15 p.m., zoom

Master class "Laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer"

Master class "Laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer"

11 April 2024

We invite you to take part in the master class "Laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer" from SURGICAL EXPERT'S ACADEMY which will be held on May 16-17.

Scientific-practical conference "Prospects of treatment and diagnosis of lung cancer in Ukraine"

Scientific-practical conference "Prospects of treatment and diagnosis of lung cancer in Ukraine"

27 March 2024

Dear colleagues! Already next Friday - 29.03.24, the Scientific-practical conference "Prospects of treatment and diagnosis of lung cancer in Ukraine", online format, will take place. The event starts at 15:15

SurgFem project

SurgFem project

21 March 2024

An important project from our partners Global Medical Knowledge Alliance (GMKA) - SurgFem, which is designed to support and unite female surgeons in Ukraine, as well as all female students who dream of surgery.

Вебінар BRIDGE “Redefining 3L mCRC landscape with the arrival of combination therapies”

Вебінар BRIDGE “Redefining 3L mCRC landscape with the arrival of combination therapies”

14 March 2024

Шановні колеги! 19 березня о 20.00 відбудеться вебінар BRIDGE “Redefining 3L mCRC landscape with the arrival of combination therapies”.

Scientific and practical conference "Team approach - the key to successful treatment of pancreatic cancer"

Scientific and practical conference "Team approach - the key to successful treatment of pancreatic cancer"

7 February 2024

The National Cancer Institute, USSO and ESSO invite to the scientific and practical conference "Team approach - the key to successful treatment of pancreatic cancer", which will be held on February 15, 2024.

"Laparoscopic surgery of gastric cancer" third master class

"Laparoscopic surgery of gastric cancer" third master class

1 February 2024

The third master class will be held in less than a month "Laparoscopic surgery of gastric cancer" from the series trainings SURGICAL EXPERT'S ACADEMY.

"Laparoscopic surgery of gastric cancer" third master class from the series trainings SURGICAL EXPERT'S ACADEMY

"Laparoscopic surgery of gastric cancer" third master class from the series trainings SURGICAL EXPERT'S ACADEMY

31 January 2024

February 19-20, 2024 the third master class will take place "Laparoscopic surgery of gastric cancer" from the series trainings SURGICAL EXPERT'S ACADEMY.

Pediatric oncology conference "IV UkaDOG CONFERENCE"

Pediatric oncology conference "IV UkaDOG CONFERENCE"

29 January 2024

We have great news for you from our colleagues! Registration for the pediatric oncology conference "IV UkaDOG CONFERENCE" is now open!

How did the great war affect the cancer treatment in Ukraine: scientists present the results of the study!

How did the great war affect the cancer treatment in Ukraine: scientists present the results of the study!

29 January 2024

On January 30 at 4:00 p.m., we invite you to the online presentation of the study "Access to cancer treatment during the Great War".

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